
    On Day 12, Neil and Dave embarked on a memorable journey from Katherine to Darwin and back, covering 670 km. Their day began at 0730h from RAAF Tindal, with a shared goal of a quick visit to Darwin to ensure they could take a photo in the main street of every capital city in Australia. Dave, a Laksa enthusiast, couldn't resist a stop at Chok’s Place in the CBD, and his verdict was unanimous-it was excellent.

    En route to Darwin, a significant stop was made at the Adelaide River War Cemetery. As they read the gravestones, Neil and Dave were deeply moved by the tragedy of war, witnessing the lives of so many young souls cut short by violence. The beautifully maintained cemetery, with what they both agreed were the cleanest public toilets they’ve ever encountered, left them with a profound sense of respect. They believe that a visit to the Adelaide River War Cemetery should be a solemn part of everyone’s bucket list.

    The road was generally good, but the temperature soared to a challenging 35°C, making the ride quite uncomfortable. Neil and Dave had to stop twice during the 330 km return journey to hydrate and rest in the shade. While they are accustomed to the challenges of riding a motorcycle in -3°C temperatures (as it was at their homes that morning), the heat, combined with all their safety gear, was particularly taxing.

    Support Their Cause
    Neil and Dave are riding to raise awareness and funds for Legacy. Donations can be made via their [Facebook donation page](https://www.facebook.com/donate/770603211667626/) or directly to Legacy, noting 'Lap for Legacy' in the comments.

    Follow the adventure of [Day 13](https://track-notes.com/au/wa/wunan-east-kimberley/lap-4-legacy/2533)
    See the previous [day's track notes](https://track-notes.com/au/qld/normanton-mt-isa-karumba-gulf-country/lap-4-legacy/2527)....

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    Day 13: Katherine to Warmun - 732 km

    Neil and Dave departed Katherine to begin their journey westward. The scenery along the route, far from the anticipated long expanses of unchanging countryside, continued to surprise and intrigue them. The landscape and flora, in a constant state of evolution, revealed spectacular views that they couldn’t help but capture in their memories. Both agreed that they needed to redo the lap at a more leisurely pace to fully appreciate the unexpected beauty.

    Today, they crossed into Western Australia. They encountered a quarantine checkpoint at the border, which didn’t concern them. However, others were held there for quite some time due to the thorough inspections.

    When they rode into Kununurra, they were pleasantly surprised by the unexpected beauty of the lush green grass and the lake right on the edge of town. Although they initially planned to overnight there, the 90-minute time change and the fact that they both felt energized led them to decide to continue riding on to Warmun.

    Along the way, they saw multiple flocks of birds and had some close encounters with Galahs and the occasional Eagle. They also spotted their first Dingo.

    Support Their Cause
    Neil and Dave are riding to raise awareness and funds for Legacy. Donations can be made via their [Facebook donation page](https://www.facebook.com/donate/770603211667626/) or directly to Legacy, noting 'Lap for Legacy' in the comments.

    Follow the adventure of [Day 14]
    See the previous [day's track notes](https://track-notes.com/au/nt/kataralanga-gurrindjiland-nitmiluk-katherine/lap-4-legacy/2529)....

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